Take a few minutes to explore the main dashboard.

There are a number of different ways to view your data, in tables, lists and also in charts. We’ve set you up with a selection of useful views: by account, by income/expenses, by year and by month.

Have a look around. If there’s something you want that you can’t see, you can always create a new view later. Come back here when you’re ready.

It’s time to add your own accounts.

Click into where it says Account 1 and Account 2 and change them to the names of your accounts. If you only want to track one account, feel free to delete Account 2.

Change the date and add the correct starting balance (if you’re not sure, put 0 – you can always change it later).




Adjust the categories.

Now click into the Category column and decide if there’s anything you want to change or add.

You don’t have to set everything up perfectly now – you can modify anything at any time, and you can always add a new category when you enter a new transaction.




Now you can delete all the dummy data.

Hover your mouse to the left of where it says Aa Name in the database view below. A checkbox will appear. Click in the box to select all the entries, then click on the dustbin to delete everything.




Bookmark the Mobile View

The Personal Finance Tracker is a clutter-free view of your most recent transactions. Bookmark it by clicking the star in the top right corner of the page, and you’ll be able to navigate to it quickly from your mobile phone.

Even better, add a widget that takes you straight to that page.

That’s all you need to get started!

Head back to the main dashboard of the Notion Budget Tracker.